In this experiment I am trying to re-create Self-TMD using servo attached with a pendulum and comparing with traditional one.
I am using Arduino to digitally evaluate the data, and an MPU6050 IMU will be added to examine the impact.
We will be able to see live data from the instrument using the excel spreadsheet.
- Arduino Uno MCU
- MPU6050 IMU
- Servo
- 3d printed parts
- mini breadboard
- jumper wires
- 4 x cycle spoke
Testing & Experimenting !
I am trying to recreate a self TMD but failed to achieve the goal due to the factor.
- MPU 6050 is too sensitive for this project and I am not tunned it properly.
- and also I tried with different pendulum by varying the weight but the result producing bad comparing to the Traditional one.
- Maybe I need to start with different approach in order to created Self Tuned Mass Damper by using good actuator like a Stepper motor.
End of experiment
Result: Failed